I can't upgrade my data file from Cashbook 2003 or 2004 to Home and Business 2007.

Legacy KB ID: 2674


Why when upgrading my data file I get an error message, "Quicken is unable to convert your data file automatically"?


You will need to remove the password temporarily from the original Cashbook 2003 or 2004 file before upgrading to Quicken Home and Business 2007.

In Cashbook 2003 or 2004 you will need to go through the following steps:

1- Click on the File drop down menu.

2- Choose Passwords.

3- Select File, enter the old password and leave the new password and confirm password fields blank and finally click on OK.

4- Now you can upgrade the file to Quicken Home and Business and you need to re-enter the password again.

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