Error: 'Setup cannot find c:\ windows \' on Microsoft Vista

Legacy KB ID: 75


Why do I get the Error: 'Setup cannot find c:\ windows \' when trying to install QuickBooks 2007-08 on Microsoft Vista?


Note: QuickBooks 2007-08 must be installed and used by a person with 'computer administrator' permissions or the product may not behave as expected. In addition if the UAC (User Account Access) Feature in Windows Vista is turned off the same will apply and you may encounter errors. Make sure that UAC is enabled and the person installing the product is a member of the local administrator group.

Follow through Step A and/or the instructions outlined in step B to remedy the situation:
A)   User Access Control:
Ensure the User Access Control (UAC) is turned on in Windows Vista before installing QuickBooks with Computer Administrator rights as per the install and upgrade notes which can be found on your QuickBooks Installation CDROM. To turn UAC on, go to Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> User Accounts -> Turn User Account Control on or off. Make sure there is a tick under Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. You can also use the Vista 'Start Search Box' and type in User Account then select 'User Accounts' from the list provided.
B)   Compatibility Mode:
1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the '<CDROM>\QBooks' folder.
Your CDROM drive may be drive 'D:'in which case you would Navigate to D:\QBooks\on the CDROM
2. Right click 'Setup.exe' and select 'Properties'
3. Select the 'Compatibility' tab
4. In 'Compatibility mode' place a tick in the check-box to 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:'
5. In the drop down list select 'Windows XP (Service Pack 2)'
Install QuickBooks. Once the installation is complete disable compatibility mode:
6. Right click on QuickBooks shortcut(on your desktop)-> then select properties -> Compatibility tab and un-tick  the option 'run this program in compatibility mode'
7. Click on Show settings for all users and make sure that 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' is un-ticked.
8. Click Ok and Ok again to finish making the changes.

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