Error 1520 1521 1531- The Server is unable to complete the request when trying to download share prices

Legacy KB ID: 2912


Why do i receive "Error 1520, 1521 or 1531- The Server is unable to complete the request" when I attempt to update the currencies and Securities.


These errors indicate that you probably have proxy settings entered which are either wrong or unnecessary.

To find this section follow the instructions below depending on your installed version.

For Quicken V8 (including V8 Cashbook); Click on the "Online" menu > Internet connection > Setup

For Quicken 2002/2003; Click on the "Edit" menu > Internet Connection Setup. Then click modify.

Choose "I have a direct internet connection" then Click next until the "tell us about your proxy server" page.

Here you'll need to clear the proxy and port settings then check the box "Check here if you want to use the above settings for your browser".

Click Next then Finish.

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