Can’t see bank account in the Online Banking Centre - FI Needs Update

Legacy KB ID: 4914


Why can’t I see my bank account in the Online Banking Centre?  When I click on the Bank Account dropdown menu I see the entry “FI Needs Update”.


******   This issue has been addressed in Accounts Business 2013   ******

“FI Needs Update” signals that your bank account has suffered minor corruption that impacts on the online functionality and not other functions in QuickBooks and Reckon Accounts Business.



Create a new Bank Account and merge the old one into the new account. 

1.    Rename this bank account:

a.    Lists > Chart of Accounts;

b.    right click your bank account and select Edit Account;

c.    Change the name by adding OLD to the name > Save & Close.

2.    Create a new Bank Account:

a.    Lists > Chart of Accounts > Account > New;

b.    Enter the original name > Save & Close.

3.    Rename the changed account back to the original name (eg: remove OLD):

a.    Lists > Chart of Accounts;

b.    right click your old bank account and select Edit Account;

c.    Change name to the name of the new account > Save & Close;

d.    Click Yes to the Merge message;

e.    Your Chart of Accounts will show only one bank account. 

4.    Check the Online Banking centre and see your bank account in the dropdown list.




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