Your BankData license has expired when downloading into Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 5355


Why do I get the error “Your BankData license has expired” when I try to download BankData transactions into my Reckon Accounts company File?


Update your Credit Card Details and call Reckon Technical Support to reset your renewal date.


The Issue

Your license has expired because the Bankdata renewal service could not charge your credit card for the next subscription period.  This may because:

  • Your credit card is over its limit

  • You have been issued with a new card

  • The account no longer exists.

You would have received an email that the attempt to renew your account failed and directed you to take corrective steps.

The service will try for 7 consecutive days to charge your account.  After the 7th failed attempt your account is expired. 


Steps to re-activate your BankData account.

Before continuing ensure your credit card account is in order with your financial institution.


Hosted users

As Reckon uses single sign-on credentials for its online products (Hosted, Reckon One and BankData), you can use the Control Panel on Hosted to enter your Billing Details section and update your credit card details:

  1. Control Panel > Account Details

  2. Click on the BankData owner user

  3. Scroll down to the Credit Card section and enter correct details

  4. Click Update.

  5. Call Reckon Customer Service or Advantage Technical Support, inform them your Bankdata account expired and that you have updated your credit card details, and request they reset your renewal date so the account is renewed the next day.

On the following day you should be able to download your transactions.


Desktop User

  1. Call Reckon Customer Service or Advantage Technical Support, inform them your BankData account has expired and request they reset your renewal date so the account is renewed the next day.

  2. Now you can login to

  3. Click on Control Panel > Billing Information and update your credit card credentials.

On the following day you should be able to download your transactions.



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