Super Report by Employee and Super Report by Fund reports show incorrect or negative amounts in Reckon Accounts 20**

Legacy KB ID: 262


Why do the Super Report by Employee and Super Report by Fund reports show incorrect or negative amounts when using Salary Sacrifice payroll items in Reckon Accounts 20**?


The salary sacrifices payroll items used in employee's pays are shown in the reports and therefore cause the incorrect amounts to be shown.

You will need to filter these payroll items from the report and memorise it for future use. Filtering these items will show the correct amounts and equal your Payroll Liability amounts.

To do this:

1. Open the report, click on Modify Report...

2. From the Filters tab, select the Payroll Item in the Current Filter Choices table (on the right)

3. From the Payroll Item drop down list, select Multiple payroll items. A window will appear and display the selected payroll items. Untick your Salary Sacrifice payroll items.

4. Click OK.

You report should now be correct.

If you would like to memorise this report for future use;

Click on the Memorize... button.

Enter a Name for the report.

You have the option to Save the report in a Memorised Group (Optional)

Click OK

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