Error - 1607 : Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Run Time

Legacy KB ID: 3508


How do I resolve the error 1607 : Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Run Time, when I attempt to install QuickBooks Point of Sale


QuickBooks Point of Sale installation process uses a third party application called InstallSheild. During the installation various system-specific errors may occur which can be caused by a system-specific setting or errors.

This particular error is not related to Point of Sale but rather your system executing a command issued from InstallSheild, for this reason Quicken has limited support for this specific error. To resolve this issue we recommend you seek assistance directly from InstallSheild, for your convenience we have searched the InstallSheild knowledge browser and found the article to resolve this error. If you require further assistance please speak to your system administrator or computer technician.

InstallSheild Knowledge Browser article: Q108340

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