KB 2600 - Hosting a Payroll Premier Data File On a Server

Legacy KB ID: 4738


Can I host my Payroll data file on a server without using the 'Setup Network Data Path' function?


Payroll Premier single user programme can only be installed on one machine however the data file used can be hosted from another. In a local area network (LAN) environment the payroll data file (QPW) can be hosted by a server and accessed by the workstation with Payroll Premier installed. Payroll Premier is a single user licence and can only be placed on a single machine; installing Payroll Premier on more than one machine is in breech of the software licence agreement. A multi user version of Payroll Premier is also available.

The steps below will instruct you through setting up Payroll Premier to access files from a server;

  1. Double click Computer > C:\ > QPRollVxx (where 'xx' is your Payroll version i.e. QPRollV19 for Payroll Premier 2010/11) depending on your version.
  2. Right click the ‘Data’ folder and select Copy.
  3. Browse to the location on your server where you would like the Payroll data file to be stored.
  4. Select Edit menu > Paste.
    1. The Data folder will now be copied to this folder on the server.
    2. The location of the ‘Data’ folder on the server must be a mapped drive with appropriate permissions to be accessed by the workstation.
  5. For Payroll Premier 2015/16 - go to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Payroll Premier and C:\Users\Public\Documents\Printers;
    1. for Payroll Premier 2014/15 and earlier - go to C:\ > Windows.
  6. Open ‘Qpvxx.ini’ (where 'xx' is your Payroll version e.g. Qpv24.ini for 2015/16) by double clicking the file.
  7. Go to the last line of text, press enter.
  8. Add the following two lines;
    1. [SERVER]
    2. After the ‘Path=’ add the path to the data folder:
      1. Payroll Premier 2011/12 and earlier:
        1. add a mapped network drive at Path=
        2. e.g.: Path=W:\folder\data\
      2. Payroll Premier 2012/13:
        1. add a UNC path at Path=
        2. e.g.:  Path=\\servername\
  9. Save changes to Qpvxx.ini (where 'xx' is your Payroll version e.g. Qpv24.ini)

Next time Payroll Premier is opened select the correct data file you wish to open form the Data folder on the mapped drive.


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