Location of Program Files and Registry entries on Windows 7 64-bit operating system

Legacy KB ID: 3818


I cannot find the QuickBooks or Quicken installation files or registry entries where the guides say to look?  I am using a Windows 7 64-bit operating system.


The recent releases of QuickBooks (2010/11) and Quicken (2010) are compatible with the Windows 7 64-bit operating system. 

The 64-bit system requires that applications be written specifically for the 64-bit environment.

32-bit applications can be modified to operate on and take full advantage of the 64-bit environment.  However, the 64-bit environment is an environment with features that cannot be seamlessly handled by modified 32-bit applications.  For this reason, Windows 7 64-bit needs to be aware of the origin of the application and make modifications for them. 

Part of this process is that modified 32-bit applications are stored separately from true 64-bit applications.  You will see this in two ways:

·         There is an additional folder in the C:\ drive called Program Files (x86) for modified 32-bit applications, including QuickBooks and Quicken


·         The registry will have an additional folder called WOW6432node in appropriate places.  QuickBooks and Quicken registry keys are now stored in:

o    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intuit\QuickBooks

o    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intuit\Quicken


The user will not notice any difference in the functioning of the application.  Locations are the same except where the 64-bit folder exits, that path needs to be taken.

When you need to access information in the installation folder you will need to remember to access c:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks or Quicken.

When accessing the registry and examining the keys you need to take the Wow6432node folder in the path. 


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