Tax codes appear in traditional single character format

Legacy KB ID: 2974


Why do my tax codes display as single characters codes?


Tax codes in Quicken CashBook Version 8 appear as a single character code. Quicken CashBook 2003/2004 allow users to display these tax codes as a three character code

When upgrading from Quicken Version 8 to Quicken 2003/2004 the user will be prompted with the following dialog box;

CashBook now supports 3 character Tax Codes. Do you want CashBook to replace your existing Tax Codes with 3 character equivalents? For example, if you select 'Yes' to this dialog, Tax Code 'S' will be changed to GST.

This is the only time this message will appear. If you select "Yes" the tax codes will be automatically converted to three characters codes. If No is selected the tax codes will remain as a single character and you will not have the option to make this change again.

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