Customer:Job and Class information transferred when Export Jobs and Classes option unticked

Legacy KB ID: 4705


Why is the Customer:Job and Class information included in the export from Payroll Premier after I unchecked the option Export Jobs and Classes?




These workarounds assume that you want to maintain Customer:Job and Classes information in Payroll Premier, but do not want any linkages to them in your QuickBooks company file. 

If you no longer require Customer:Job or Classes information in Payroll Premier, then remove these tags from the employee record > Pay Rates tab.


Option 1:  Remove the Jobs and Classes information from the General Journal in QuickBooks

1.    In Payroll Premier print a Customer:Job Report:

a.    Reports > Customer:Job > Current Pay;

b.    Click on the Print icon;

c.    Close the report

2.    Create the export file and import information into QuickBooks;

3.    Open a new General Journal form:

a.    Company > Make General Journal Entries;

b.    Click the Previous button until you come to the first Employee pay details general journal;

4.    Remove the Customer:Job and Classes tags:

a.    Untick the Billable box;

b.    Highlight and delete the Customer:Job name in the name column;

c.    Highlight and delete the Class name in the Class column;

d.    Click the Previous button – choose Yes to Record your changes;

e.    Click Previous until the next Employee pay details general journal opens;

f.     Repeat steps a. to e. until all Employee pay details general journals have been modified.


Option 2:  Open the Payroll Premier Export file and remove the Customer:Job and Class information.

This option is best done with a Spreadsheet programme like Excel.  You can do these steps using a generic text editor like Notepad or Wordpad, but the process of finding the information and deleting it is less user-friendly.

If you are not familiar with Spreadsheet programmes or text editors see your IT professional or otherwise use Option 1.

You may also need to check your company’s computer security and auditing policies as you may not have permissions to carry out these steps. 

1.    In Payroll Premier print a Customer:Job Report:

a.    Reports > Customer:Job > Current Pay;

b.    Click on the Print icon;

c.    Close the report

2.    Create the export file;

3.    In Windows Explorer:

a.    Browse to C:\QPRollV21\EXPORT;

b.    Right-click QPExport.IIF > Open with > Excel;

c.    Scroll down to the line starting with !TRANS and that is followed by the lines starting with !SPL and !ENDTRANS;

d.    Look across to Column F and G – these columns contain Customer:Job and Class information

                                          i.    (you may want to widen these columns to see the information more clearly)

e.    Delete the contents of the F and G fields for the first employee;

f.     Move down to the next employee and delete the contents of the F and G fields;

g.    Work your way down the file until all employees have been edited;

h.    Close the File – File > Close;

                                          i.    To the message “Do you want to save the changes you made to QPExport.IIF”?”, select Save;

                                         ii.    To the message “QPExport.IIF may contain features thata are not compatible with Text (Tab delimited)> Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?” select YES;

4.    Import the QPExport.IIF file to QuickBooks.

5.    Check the file – no tags to Customer:Jobs or Classes should be evident. 


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