Income tax preparation reports appear as PAYG

Legacy KB ID: 978


Why do the Income Tax Preparation Reports display "Income PAYG Preparation report" in the report title?


This is a minor issue with the reports title.

To change the Report Heading on any report you must Modify and save the report as a memorised report if you choose to use at a later date.

  1. Click the Reports menu and choose the report that you would like to modify eg. Accountant then Income Tax Preparation

  2. Click on the Modify Report button then on the Header/Footer tab.

  3. Modify the report Title as you wish then click OK button.

  4. Click on the Memorise button

  5. Name the report as you would like it to appear in the memorised list and click OK.

For more information about memorising reports see "reports, memorising" in the QuickBooks help file.

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