SuperData Export Report does not match the Super by Employee Report

Legacy KB ID: 5237


Why do some employees’ super contributions totals in the SuperData Export Report differ to the Super by employee Report?


Remove Customer:Jobs and Class assignments on the employee’s pay.


The Issue

This issue arises when a Customer:Job or a Class is added to the payroll item on the employee’s pay.  Super contributions are duplicated on the super Export Report resulting in a different amount from the Super by Employee Report.

There is no negative impact on the transaction or on other reports.

The issue is being investigated by our Product Development Team.

Reckon apologises for the inconvenience this issue is causing.




Remove Customer:Job and Class assignments to the payroll item on the pays.

1.    Create a backup of the company file

2.    Open the Employee’s pay

3.    Click on Unlock Net Pay

4.    Remove Customer:Job and Class from payroll items

5.    Save the Pay

6.    Generate the SuperData Export Report and Export File

7.    Restore backup



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