QuickBooks 2004 and Microsoft Terminal Server Error: QuickBooks Failed to load a required File! Please reinstall QuickBooks

Legacy KB ID: 1675


I've installed QuickBooks 2004 on Windows Server edition running terminal services why do I get the following error message when I attempt to start QuickBooks? Error: QuickBooks Failed to load a required File! Please reinstall QuickBooks


This error ocures due to a missing file from the local user windows directory. To correctly instal QuickBooks on a Windows Server operating system please follow the instructions below.

This document was prepared to assist Quicken users who intend to use QuickBooks 2004 Premier in a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 / 2003 Server setup. The following instructions will not detail steps on how to setup your network or Terminal Services, it’s expected that the user is already capable of logging onto the server using a Thin Client session. For more information please see the various documentations available with your operating system or the system administrator.

Note: QuickBooks users must be setup as part of the Power Users Group on the server, to have the operating system rights to write to the registry keys and be able to use QuickBooks correctly. See page 15 of the QuickBooks 2004 user guide.

Steps to Follow (Section 1)
Install QuickBooks Premier using the Add/Remove Programs available in the Windows control panel.
1. Insert the QuickBooks CD and Exit from the auto run install window that may have opened.
2. Click the Windows Start button and choose Settings then Control Panel.
3. Double Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon.
4. Click on the Add New Programs icon then choose the CD or Floppy button.
5. In the Run Installation Program wizard choose the Browse button.
6. Navigate to the setup application D:\QBooks\Setup.exe (where D is the CDROM drive).
7. Highlight Setup then click Open and Next. Follow the installation instructions provided in user guide to conclude the installation.
8. Once the installation has completed you should restart the server.

(Section 2)

Activating QuickBooks on the server and for Terminal Services
1. Log into the server with the Administrator username
2. Copy the Intuit directory from C:\WINDOWS to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\WINDOWS
3. Start QuickBooks and activate the installation as documented on page 14 of the user guide
4. Close QuickBooks
5. Copy the Intuit directory from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\WINDOWS to
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Windows for each user who needs access to QuickBooks through remote connection

Important! QuickBooks and Terminal Services was only tested on a local area network using Microsoft® Remote Desktop Connection

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