PAYG Tax Codes

Legacy KB ID: 2582


How can I create a new tax code with zero as the multiplier?


I have saved a new tax scale with the multiplier in the first row of zero.  However when I view the new tax scale, the first row does not appear.

To save the entry with zero as the multiplier;
1) In the 'List Tax Scales' screen select the tax scale.
2) Right click the tax scale and select 'Edit'.
3) Insert a new first row with a non-zero number as the multiplier (eg. 0.1230).
4) Click 'Ok' to save these changes.
5) Edit the tax code again, this time enter "0.0000" in the first row, then click 'Ok' to save.

The next time you edit this tax code, you will see that the multiplier shows as zero.

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