Cannot reinstate a terminated employee

Legacy KB ID: 4452


I recently terminated an employee but now I need to make one more payment for him.  However, the date field is now greyed out and I cannot reinstate him.


The situation described here results from the termination date being changed in the employee’s record and not being terminated by the Termination Wizard.

Although the termination date is greyed out when the employee is active, you can change the date.  However, once this date is changed you cannot change the date back.  Therefore, the employee appears as terminated. 



1.    Terminate the Employee through the Termination Wizard and then reinstate him.

a.    Wizard Terminate Employee

b.    For Payments for Unpaid Work, check the No Do Not Pay The Employee

c.    Follow through the wizard with 0.00 amounts in relevant fields.

2.    Reinstate the employee

a.    In the Employee List, tick the box Display Terminated Employees

b.    Highlight the employee to reinstate and click on Wizard

c.    For Termination Reason, select Returning to Company

d.    Click Finish

3.    Make the final payments.

4.    Terminate the employee with the Termination Wizard.


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