Before you can open this company file, you must update your version of QuickBooks 2007/08 to the latest release

Legacy KB ID: 4418


I am upgrading my file to Reckon Accounts for the first time and I need to open it in 2007/08 first.  Yet when I upgrade it to 2007/08 I get the error:

Before you can open this company file, you must update your version of QuickBooks 2007/08 (16.0A R4) to the latest release. 

I am using the latest release.



You will experience this message if you are opening a company file from Version 8 or earlier in QuickBooks 2007/08. 

The bridging versions of QuickBooks – that is the version before a significant change in the file structure – are:

·         QuickBooks Version 7

·         QuickBooks 2002

·         QuickBooks 2007/08

Bridging versions are included on the Upgrade Resources Disk that is part of the upgrade package.  Professional Partners can obtain copies from the Professional partner website. 

Note for Windows 7 Users: you may need to run Quickbooks 2002 in XP Mode. 



1.    Identify the version of the company file:

a.    Browse to the company file directory;

b.    Right-click the company file and select Properties;

c.    Click on the QuickBooks tab;

d.    the field Last Opened With will show the version used. 

2.    Upgrade the file through the bridging version;

Eg. Version 8 must be upgraded to QuickBooks 2002 first, then 2007/08 and finally to the latest version. 

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