Error -6094, 0 or -6010, -2, after updating anti-virus software

Legacy KB ID: 3841


Why do I get the error: ‘An error occurred when QuickBooks tried to start the database server that manages access to the QuickBooks company file.  Error (-6094,0) or (-6010, -2)’ when I try to open my QuickBooks?


You will receive this error if:

·         your firewall software is not configured to allow QuickBooks to access company files; or

·         an update to your Anti-Virus is causing the antivirus program to incorrectly identify 2 QuickBooks files (QBDBMGR.EXE and QBDBMGRN.EXE) as being infected with a virus. The antivirus program then quarantines these 2 files and prevents QuickBooks from accessing them. (AVG is particularly vulnerable).



Follow Step 1.  If your problem is not resolved then continue with Step 2, and if necessary continue with Step3.


Solutions 1 and 2 pertain to AVG Anti-Virus.  If you use a different antivirus program, you will need to contact your provider for exact steps to resolve the problem.  

Before modifying QuickBooks or renaming files, try searching the support web site for your antivirus provider to find out how to configure it to allow QuickBooks to operate normally. 

See kb220 for all QuickBooks processes that must be made exceptions in firewall, anti-virus and internet security programs. 

Step 1: Update the Anti-Virus to the latest virus definitions and restore the quarantined files.

1.     Open the AVG Anti-Virus User Interface.

a.    Click the Update now button on the left part of the AVG user interface or choose Tools > Update.

Important: Always make sure to download the latest virus updates so that you are always protected.

b.    In the top menu, choose History > Virus Vault.

c.    Locate all QuickBooks processes (see kb220) and files and select them one at a time.

d.    Click Restore at the bottom of the window.


2.    Once you've finished restoring all QuickBooks files, click Close.


3.    Close the AVG Anti-Virus User Interface.


4.     Open QuickBooks.


If you still encounter the error, continue with Step 2.



Step 2: Locate and rename the restored QBDBMGR.EXE and QBDBMGRN.EXE files.

1.    Click the Windows Start button and select Computer (XP:  My Computer).


2.    Go to the QuickBooks installation folder: C:\Program File\Intuit\QuickBooks 20xx-xx; where xx is the year version of your QuickBooks (eg. 2010-11).

a.    For 64-bit versions of Windows: The installation folder will be C:\Program Files(x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks 20xx-xx

b.    Reckon Accounts Business users:  use C:\Program File\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 20xx.


3.     Locate files that begin with AVG_Restored or that have AVG_Restored  in their name. You should find at least 2 files: AVG_RESTORED_QBDBMGR.EXE and AVG_RESTORED_QBDBMGRN.EXE.


4.    Right-click the AVG_RESTORED_QBDBMGR.EXE file and select Rename.


5.    Remove the AVG_RESTORED_ part of the file name (so that the file name is now QBDBMGR.EXE) and press Enter. Do the same for all other files.


6.    Open QuickBooks.


If you still encounter the error, continue with Step 3.


Step 3: Repair QuickBooks

1.    Click on Windows Start, Control Panel, Programs & Features

XP: use Add or Remove Programs


2.    Find QuickBooks 20xx-xx, right click and select Uninstall/Change


3.    Click Next in the QuickBooks Maintenance Wizard


4.    Click Repair and Next


5.    When complete, open QuickBooks, open your company file, sample file or create a new file, and Activate QuickBooks


6.    Reapply any service packs and patches.

Note: Repairing QuickBooks does not affect company data files (.QBW). The data stored in these files will remain intact.


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