Too many QuickTabs open

Legacy KB ID: 3178


How do I close down 'QuickTabs?


Close a QuickTab

To close a QuickTab, simply close the associated feature. Click the close button [x] in the immediate upper right corner of the feature. (Don’t click the exit button in the far upper right - that closes CashBook!)
Alternate method: Right-click on any QuickTab. From the pop-up menu, choose to close the feature.

Close all QuickTabs

If you want to close all your open features and QuickTabs at once, follow these steps:

1 Right-click on any QuickTab.
2 From the pop-up menu, choose Close All QuickTabs.

Hide (minimise) all QuickTabs

If you would rather use only the CashBook menus and other tools to navigate through CashBook, you can hide the QuickTabs. Follow these steps:

1 Right-click on any QuickTab.
2 From the pop-up menu, choose Minimise QuickTabs.

Display QuickTabs again, or change the way they are displayed

If you chose to hide (minimise) the QuickTabs and now you want to display them again, follow these steps:

1 Choose Edit menu > Options > Quicken program.
2 Click the QuickTabs tab.
3 Click to select Show QuickTabs.
4 (Optional) Click to select whether they should appear on the right or left side of your CashBook window.
5 Click OK.

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