Why does the Contents Advisor stop me from viewing certain pages in QuickBooks?

Legacy KB ID: 785


When opening the Decision Tools window in QuickBooks, the Internet Explorer Contents Advisor appears saying the following page cannot be viewed becasue it does not have a rating.

This message may appear on the various Decision Tools windows, and also other windows throughout QuickBooks


In order to stop the Content Advisor from coming up you will need Edit the Contents Advisor settings in Internet Explorer;

  1. Start Internet Explorer and go to the Tools menu > Options
  2. Go to the Content tab and click on the Settings button
  3. Enter the required password and then go to General tab
  4. Place a tick next to "User can see site which have no rating"
  5. Save the changes and exit Internet Explorer

Please note that although this will stop the Content Advisor appearing in QuickBooks, it may also make other pages available on the Internet which would normally have been blocked.

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