Accessing the help menu in Quicken 2008

Legacy KB ID: 2722


Why can't I access the help menu in Quicken 2008?


The Help for this program was created in Windows Help Format, which was used in previous versions of Windows and it is not supported in Windows Vista.

WinHlp32.exe is required to display Help files that have the ".hlp" file extension and can be downloaded via the Microsoft website provided:

Click on the link and following the on-screen instructions on how to download the file.

There will be two files to choose from;

Select Windows6.0-KB917607-x86.msu
Save the file on your computer (for example: C:\Users\[username]\Desktop).
Locate and double-click on the file to run the setup.
Once the installation is complete, you will now be able to use the Help feature.

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