Super Paid Date does not display on Payslips in Reckon Accounts 2015

Legacy KB ID: 5300


Why doesn’t the Super Paid Date appear on my payslips? I have ticked the Payroll Preference for it an included a date in my payrun.



This issue affects the Reckon Standard Payslip and Custom Payslips


Tick the Super Paid Date option in the payslip’s template customisation.


Detailed instructions

Custom payslips

1.    Ensure the Super Payment Date on Payslip option is ticked in Edit > Preferences > Payroll & Employees > company Preferences

2.    Ensure a date was added in the super Payment Date (expected on or before) on the Enter Payroll Information screen during your payrun.

3.    Go to Lists > Templates

4.    Right-click your custom template and select Edit Template

5.    Click on Additional Customisation > header tab

6.    Tick the box for Super Date

7.    Click OK and OK to save.


Reckon Standard Payslip

1.    Go to Lists > Templates

2.    Right-click Reckon Standard Payslip and select Edit Template

3.    Click on Manage Templates > Copy > give it a name

4.    Click on Additional Customisation > header tab

5.    Tick the box for Super Date

6.    Click OK and OK to save.



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