INB and ETP Payment Summaries are different after upgrading to Quickbooks 2012/13

Legacy KB ID: 4478


After upgrading to Quickbooks 2012/13, why are some of my INB and ETP Payment Summaries different?


You will experience this issue if you have issued an ETP Payment Summary to a terminated employee that contained a transitional terminal payment that exceeded the preferential tax treatment cap – in 2011/12 the cap is $165.000.

Amounts above the cap are taxed at the maximum marginal rate plus medicare levy (in 2011/12 – 46.5%).  In previous versions of QuickBooks this tax was added to the Total Tax Withheld field of the INB Payment Summary, with the ETP Payment Summary showing only preferential tax amounts. 

In QuickBooks 2012/13 these amounts will be included in the Total Tax Withheld amount on the ETP Payment Summary.



The total of the Total Tax Withheld fields of the INB and the ETP Payment Summaries for 2012/13 should equal the same total in 2011/12. 


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