Itemised Payee Report is displaying different data between 2008 and later editions of Quicken

Legacy KB ID: 3800


Why is the Itemised Payee Report different after upgrading from Quicken 2008?


This problem is experienced on the upgrade from Quicken 2008, either to the next release (Quicken 2009) or directly to the current release (Quicken 2010). 

Our Development Team is investigating the issue. 

The error is limited to the Itemised Payee Report and other reports in Quicken are reporting correctly. 



Under Income, identify Credit NCG.  Deduct this amount from the Income Total and add it to the Expenses Total.

Under Expenses, identify Refund GST.  Deduct this amount from the Expenses Total and add it to the Income Total. 

The Overall Total is correct. 


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