Update Superannuation Amounts in Awards

If you need to change the superannuation percentage in an award setup in Payroll Premier 2021/22 please follow the below guide.

Payroll Premier 2021/22 does not change the Superannuation rate of awards during the upgrade process. New awards and employees will contain the default 10% Super Guarantee Act Contribution amount.

  1. Click Lists -> Awards

  1. Right click the award you wish to edit and select Edit
  1. In the edit award screen, enter 10.00% in the Percentage field
  2. Click OK. You will then be asked if you want to review which employees are on this award. If you click No, the changes are saved and applied.

  1. If you click Yes you will be presented with a screen to review which employees apply to this award. To move employees, double click the employees name and then the >> button. This will move the employee onto that award.
  2. You can also move employees off the award by double clicking the employee in the right hand column and then the << button. This will move the employee off that award.
  3. Click OK and the updated award data will be saved.

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