Outlook consistently requires user to click Send when sending an email from QuickBooks 2011/12

Legacy KB ID: 4010


Why does Outlook consistently require me to click on Send when emailing from QuickBooks?  I have Outlook set as my default email system in Internet Explorer.


This is an issue with Office Outlook 2010 64-bit when sending emails from 3rd Party Applications.  For a full description of issues regarding Outlook 2010 operation with 3rd party applications, please refer to the following articles: 



For QuickBooks to send an email seamlessly, the email system being used must be MAPI compliant.  Outlook 64-bit is not a MAPI compliant email (Outlook 2010 32-bit is MAPI compliant).

QuickBooks 2011/12 has been configured for use with Outlook 2010 64-bit.  However, this one issue remains when in Online Preferences in Quickbooks, you have unchecked the option Display each email when sending more than one.

You can tick this preference and you will see each email and have the option of modifying the email.  But you will then need to click on Send for each email to send them. 

Either way with Outlook 2010 64-bit, you will need to click on Send for each email at some stage, whichever option you choose. 


To change Online Preferences:

On the top menu line, click on Edit > Preferences > Online > Company Preferences > and tick or untick the box Display each email when sending more than one.


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