Items without Units of Measure appear on the Items with Units of Measure report in QuickBooks QBi 2008/09

Legacy KB ID: 213


Why are the Items without Units of Measure appear on the Items with Units of Measure report in QuickBooks QBi 2008/09?


This report shows which items are currently assigned a unit of measure. If the unit of measure mode is currently set to Multiple U/M Per Item, the following information is shown for each item: the unit of measure set name, the base unit and the default units of measure for purchasing, sales and shipping forms. If the unit of measure mode is currently set to Single U/M Per Item, the report includes each item name and the currently assigned unit of measure.

To remove items that are not associated with the Units of Measure report, do the following:

1. From the List menu, select U/M Set List

2. Click Reports and select Items with Unit of Measure

3. Click Modify Report...

4. From the Filters tab, select U/M Set

5. From the drop down, choose Multiple U/M Sets

6. Select(tick) all the U/M Sets that apply and click OK

7. Click OK

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