Error - Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. Cannot access Reward Card Tracker Report

Legacy KB ID: 2735


Why do I receive the error - Unhandled exception has occurred in your application when attempting to generate the Reward Card Tracker report?


The report files that are used for the reward card tracker are not preinstalled with your installation of Quicken. You will need to install them manually.

To do this;

  1. Insert your Quicken 2009 CD into your CD ROM drive
  2. The installation screen automatically appears. Close the window
  3. Double click the My Computer icon which can be located either on your desktop or through the Windows Start menu
  4. Right click on your CD ROM drive and choose Explore
  5. Double click > HAB Folder
  6. Double click > DISK1 folder
  7. Double click > CrystalReports Redist_NET 2005 SP1
  8. Double click > CRRedist2005_x86.msi and follow the onscreen installation prompts

You will now be able to access the report for Reward Card Tracker

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