Error: "The transaction is not in balance..." when importing a 100% salary sacrifice pay from Payroll Premier.

Legacy KB ID: 407


Why do I receive "The transaction not in balance..." error message when I import from Payroll Premier?


This is due to extra lines existing in the QPExport.IIF file which are causing the transactions to be out of balance.

To fix this, follow the steps below:

  1. As you are at the import dialogue box of QPExport.iif in QuickBooks, right click on the file " QPExport.iif " and select the option of Open With
  2. Choose to Select a program from a list of installed programs radio button and choose Excel
  3. You need to scroll down until you reach a line that reads " TRNS GENERAL JOURNAL..." in column C
  4. Under the H column with the heading "Amount" of the Excel Sheet, there will be a figure representing the “Payroll Expense: Gross Wages” amount. You will need to highlight, delete this entry and enter a Zero (0) in your exported file
  5. Repeat step 4 for all lines with “TRNS GENERAL JOURNAL” and “Payroll Expense: Gross Wages”
  6. Click on File > Save and click on YES to keep the current format
  7. Close Excel and choose NO to the message that appears "Do you want to save the changes you made to ' QPExport.iif ' "
  8. Import QPExport.iif into QuickBooks


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