Error: 'tax table version invalid' when processing payroll after upgrading to QuickBooks 2006/07

Legacy KB ID: 2153


Why do I get the error 'tax table version invalid' when processing payroll after I upgrade to QuickBooks 2006/07?


This can occur if an important file relating to the tax table information has not been updated during the upgrade process of QuickBooks causing the payroll module to think that it has an old version of the tax table.
To remedy this do the following:

1- Close QuickBooks.

2- Click on the following link , you will be prompted to Open, Save, Cancel and More info, you can choose to open it and that will run the update if you have one instance of QuickBooks installation that you need to update or you can save it to be run later, you should do this if you need to update multiple QuickBooks installations on different machines.

3- Run QuickBooks and process your payroll as per normal.

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