Handling the Loan Manager in an upgrade

Legacy KB ID: 3827


I have upgraded my file which contained my loan details in Loan Manager.  Why are those details not there in the upgraded file?


Reckon Accounts is unable to maintain the details in Loan Manager on an upgrade.  Our Development Team is working on the issue. 

All details in accounts – your bank account, loan account, loan interest account and fees account are intact.



Reinput the loan details in the upgraded file’s Loan Manager.

1.    From the previous version, print out the loan details:

a.    Banking > Loan Manager > Payment Summary > Print

b.    Identify the key elements:

                                          i.    Date of last instalment

                                         ii.    Balance after last instalment

                                        iii.    instalment amount – principal + interest

                                       iv.    Maturity date of the loan

                                        v.    Frequency of instalment

                                       vi.    Compounding period

                                      vii.    Annual interest rate

                                     viii.    Bank Account

                                       ix.    Interest Expense Account

                                        x.    Fees & Charges Account

2.    In the upgraded version enter the details of the loan from the last instalment date:

a.    Origination date is now the date of the last instalment

b.    Original Balance is the balance after the last instalment paid

c.    Maturity date is unchanged

d.    All other elements are unchanged

3.    Printout the Payment Schedule and compare with the payment schedule from the old version.

4.    If there are differences review each step and correct until the upgraded version’s payment schedule exactly matches the old version’s payment schedule.


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