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End of financial year report - Payroll App

Applies to Australia only

What do I need to do?

With the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) you are no longer required to provide payment summaries (aka group certificates) to your employees or lodge a payment summary annual report with the ATO. Instead, a finalisation declaration report is submitted to the ATO via the Reckon Payroll app.

Group Certificates were replaced by Payment Summaries in the year 2000, however the term is still commonly used. STP essentially replaces Payment Summaries.

This end-of-financial-year (EOFY) report provides the ATO with final employee payroll figures for the financial year. This data is then in turn used by employees and tax agents to complete income tax returns.

The report also gives you an opportunity to review and correct any mistakes or issues that may have come about during the financial year.

If this is your first EOFY, or you need a refresher, there is plenty of helpful information at our EOFY resource hub.

Not sure when your submission is due, or would like additional information from the ATO? Check out this small business newsroom article or the ATO's end-of-year STP finalisation guide.

Getting started

Before preparing and submitting your end of financial year report, please:

  1. Double-check you have the latest version of the app installed so you have the latest fixes and improvements to the App like this EOFY reporting function.

Here's instructions for how to update apps on either your iPhone/iPad or Android.

End of financial year reporting is available in v1.0.18 or higher of the Reckon Payroll App. Check your version in the Settings area of the app if you're not sure.

  1. Ensure all of your pay runs for the financial year have been submitted to the ATO successfully. You should have no remaining pay run submissions in an Error state. If you do, these should be addressed before making your EOFY submission, else you will likely have the same errors returned from the ATO.

To correct a pay run submission in an Error state you must first amend the underlying cause such as incorrect or incomplete employee data and process an adjustment. If issues continue and you feel you have the correct information in the STP app, please contact the ATO.

If you have submissions in a Pending state this could be due to a number of factors such as:

  • it has been less than 3 days since you submitted your STP report
  • an ATO outage
  • an ATO maintenance period
  • delayed processing due to increased traffic at peak times

If a pay run submission has a Pending status, and you have considered all of the above factors, you should process an adjustment for the pay run in question.

Submitting your EOFY report

  1. From the Pay runs list, tap the blue "plus" in the top right-hand corner of the screen, and select the End of financial year option.
  2. Next, check you've selected the correct year to report on shown by the purple "pills" at the top of the screen. In this example we've selected FY19/20, but you can tap on a different pill to change the selection.
  3. Below it you'll see a summary of the total gross pay, tax withheld, superannuation, allowances and deductions for every employee you've reported on at any point during the financial year. Swipe left or right to review the total values for each employee.
    The total values shown here are the final values reported to the ATO and is the value which informs employee tax returns. It overrules the sum for all other pay runs and adjustments made throughout the financial year at the ATO.
    If the totals shown for every employee look correct, tap Continue to declaration.
    What if my totals aren't correct?
    In the payroll app, the total value for a given financial year is the sum of their initial year to date values, plus the values in every paid pay run. If the totals displayed are not what you're expecting, you'll need to either update initial year to date values or edit a pay run.
  4. Next complete the declaration by entering your name as the Submitter name, then check the tick box to confirm you are authorized to make the submission, and that the information contained is true and correct.
  5. Once this is done, tap Submit EOFY Report to ATO.
  6. And you're done! Tap Finish to close the submission confirmation. The submission you've just made will appear at the top of the list of pay runs in a pending state.
    Check back in a day or two to confirm that the submission has been successfully received and accepted by the ATO.
    If it's been accepted, you're done!
    The ATO can take several days to return a submission status during peak times. We do expect delayed processing from the ATO in July.

    Checking submission status

    All End of financial year reports appear in the Pay runs area under the Single Touch Payroll tab, alongside your regular STP submissions.
    1. From the pay runs list, tap on a submission for more detailed information about what was submitted, and the status of the submission. This shows the final total values submitted for each employee.
    2. If an adjustment is declined, check the reason it was declined, and then make the necessary changes.
    3. Repeat the end of financial year reporting process.

Update Initial year-to-date values

Initial year-to-date values represent the total of every pay run paid during a financial year before using the Reckon Payroll App. These values may have been manually entered when setting up the employee, or were brought across when you migrated from the Reckon Single Touch Payroll App.

The cumulative total value for an employee is a sum of their Initial year-to-date values and every paid pay run.
  1. From the employee's area, tap on an employee.
  2. Next, tap on the Pay Summary tab, then on the ellipsis (...) in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then finally on Edit. You'll begin editing the employee with the Initial year-to-date information shown.
  3. By default, the current financial year's information will be shown. Toggle the year by tapping on the purple "pills" at the top of the screen.
  4. With the financial year selected, you may now edit, create or delete new Initial YTD items.
    1. Edit an Initial YTD item by tapping on it, updating its values, then tapping on Update.
    2. Delete an Initial YTD item by tapping on it, then on the Delete button in the top-right hand corner of the panel.
    3. Create an Initial YTD item by taping on the blue plus, selecting the correct type and then entering your values.
      Please ensure that the effective date of the item falls within the correct financial year. Initial YTD values appear on all pay slips for the financial year they fall within after their effective date.
  5. When you are done, tap on Next in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Then tap on Continue.
  6. Back on the Employee Summary, check the total values shown on the employee's Pay Summary will have updated to reflect their new total pay for the year.

Edit a pay run

Total values for an employee for a financial year may be due to incorrect totals in a past pay run. Follow these instructions to edit and adjust a pay run.
  1. From the pay runs area of the app, tap on a pay run which is marked as paid or already submitted to the ATO.
  2. Next, tap on the ellipsis (...) in the top right-hand corner, and choose Edit pay run. This will revert the pay run to a draft state.
  3. You're now free to edit the pay run again, updating any pay details that need to be adjusted, then completing the rest of your ordinary pay run process.
    Don't forget to submit make a STP submission for your updated pay run! By default, we set these to special adjustment (aka update) events with the ATO.

FAQs and troubleshooting

My End of Financial Year submission was Declined

Tap on the Error or Declined submission from the list of pay runs and check the reason for why it was declined.

What if my employee totals look incorrect?

If the final numbers for one or more employee's look incorrect, you'll need to make adjustment submissions to correct the numbers before putting though your final submission. In the payroll app, the total value for a given financial year is the sum of their Initial year to date values, plus every paid pay run. If the totals displayed are not what you're expecting, you'll need to either:

  • Update the employee Initial Year to date values.
  • Make and adjustment to a pay run.
  • Resubmit a pending or declined pay run.

Can I resubmit an EOFY report?

Yes, absolutely! You can submit an end of financial year report for a given financial year more than once. You may want to do this if you realize there were issues with the numbers in a report after submission, if you have any issues with the submitted report being received or processed by the ATO or are otherwise requested by the ATO to do so. The app will not prevent you from submitting again for a given financial year.

If you need to resubmit, simply prepare a new report for the given financial year by making an adjustment submission, then repeating the steps you went through the first time.

Can I make an adjustment after submitting my EOFY report?

If you make any adjustments or process any additional pay runs for a financial year after submitting your end of financial year report, although these pay runs or submission will process without any issue, you'll need to submit it again to send through the updated final numbers. The ATO always expects the last submission they receive from you for a given financial year to be an end of financial year report. Please follow the steps above to put through your final report submission again.

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