Activity statements, PAYG tax, Payment summaries and Payroll tax greyed out in the reports menu

Legacy KB ID: 2208


Why are Activity statements, PAYG tax, Payment summaries and Payroll tax greyed out in the reports menu? What can I do if switching the 'Print By' preference takes too long?


Some reports in Payroll Premier can only be based on the Date Paid. These reports relate to:

Activity statements
PAYG tax
Payment summaries
Payroll tax

Currently in Payroll Premier 2007/08, certain reports are disabled in the Reports menu and in the Report List, unless the ‘Print By’ Printing preference is set to ‘Date Paid’. This is due to government agencies requiring these reports to be based on the date payments were made. To change the 'Print By' preference:
1 From the File menu, choose Preferences.
2 Click the Printing icon in the slide bar at the left of the Preferences window.
3 Click the Print By drop-down arrow and choose your option.

Depending on data file size etc, the database change that takes place when switching this preference can take many minutes. (Users should allow the process to finish otherwise data problems could occur).
In a situation where the Date Paid and the Pay End Date are the same for all pays within the report period however, switching the ‘Print By’ Printing preference to ‘Date Paid’ would not be required.

Payroll Premier 2007/08 Service Pack 1 makes various corrections in respect to pay slips, reports and payment summaries. It also allows all reports to be generated without the need to make any changes within Preferences.

It can be downloaded via the following link below:

Note: If there is any overlapping in dates of a pay between two financial years, you will need to switch to the Date Paid option in order for the Payment Summaries to be correct. 

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