Table of Contents

Add your app to the Connected Apps

To add your product to the Connected Apps list, you will need to provide us with the below:

  1. Product name
  2. Base URL for “WCInitCommunication” GET requests


When you start developing your integration with Reckon Web Connector, you will be working with the Developer environment of the Connected App list. Once your app is approved, we'll then add your app to the Product Connected App list.

How to add your app to the Development environment

To add your app to the Development environment, please send an email to with the below:

  1. Product name
  2. Base URL for “WCInitCommunication” GET requests

Connecting your app to Development environment

To connect to the Development environment while you develop your integration with the Reckon Web Connector, you will need to update the Reckon.WebConnector.Admin.exe.config file, available under: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reckon\Reckon Web Connector.

You will need to replace Production with Development from <appSettings>.

If you get permission error while saving, you will need to either:

  1. Option 1:
    1. Open Notepad or similar editor by running it as Administrator
    2. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reckon\Reckon Web Connector
    3. Open Reckon.WebConnector.Admin.exe.config file
    4. Update (replace Production with Development) the file.
  2. Option 2:
    1. Copy the Reckon.WebConnector.Admin.exe.config file to another location (for example, Desktop)
    2. Update the file (replace Production with Development)
    3. Copy the file back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reckon\Reckon Web Connector and replace the existing file

After you change the Reckon.WebConnector.Admin.exe.config file, the contents of the file will look like below:

<add key="Environment" value="Development" />  

The default value for the “Environment” key on installation of the Reckon Web Connector is “Production”.

Connecting your app to Production environment

When your app is approved, you will be changing the key to Production to connect to the production list of Connected Apps.

When you email us to add your app to the Production list, please provide us with the Production value of:

  1. Product name
  2. Base URL for WCInitCommunication GET requests

Do not forget to change back the settings to test your integration against the Production.

In future, when we implement oAuth2.0 within Reckon Web Connector, we will require those details which will be added to the DB for the app to use during token generation to connect with the app.

How did we do?

Reckon Web Connector Overview

Installing and Configuring Reckon Web Connector for API Products

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