The correct format for a Social Security number is…. Warning when trying to update an Employee Recor

Legacy KB ID: 4685


Why do I get the error:  The correct format for a Social Security number is ###-##-#### when I try to update an Employee record in QuickBooks?  I can’t continue.


You may get this error when your Employee does not have a valid Tax File Number entered. 

QuickBooks undertakes a check on the number entered and if the result is not acceptable then the number is rejected.  Where an unacceptable number has been entered, or has become corrupt, you will get this error when working in the Employees Record.



Enter an acceptable number in the Tax File Number field.

1.    Check records or with employee for the correct Tax File Number;

2.    In QuickBooks > Employee Centre > click on the employee;

3.    Change tabs to Payroll and Compensation Info > Taxes;

4.    In Employee Tax Reference Number, enter the correct Tax File Number;

5.    If the number is not valid you will get a message: “The number entered is not a valid TFN.”  Check the number and try again.

6.    Click OK to Sae and close.

If the number is still rejected as being invalid, ask the employee to check their records or contact the ATO. 


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