ECI Validation Error: The Deductible amount of the undeducted purchase price of the annuity field mu

Legacy KB ID: 4087


Why won’t my Empdupe file, created in QuickBooks 2011/12, validate in the ATO’s ECI client?  I get the error:

The Deductible amount of the undeducted purchase price of the annuity field must not contain blanks or non numeric characters, but we found:

                   Deductible amount of the undeducted purchase price of the annuity [Position 346-353]   = '        '

This error appears for every employee.



Although the ECI Validation report says an error is found, on opening the error log it indicates a Warning rather than an Error.  The warning arises because the empdupe file does not meet standards in all aspects.  The file still provides all relevant information and will be accepted. 

Our Product Development Team has investigating the issue, and found that error is a warning message only. Our Quality Assurance team notes that this warning message was not identified when testing QuickBooks 11/12 as the message does not arise when lodging with the ATO test servers.


Source of Warning:  The number string for each employee in the Empdupe file is missing the last 8 zero’s.  Those zeros relate to information that is not contained in an Individual Non-Business Payment Summary. 


If your message is different to the above message, then you have another problem with your Empdupe file.  Read the message carefully and check the information fields indicated. 



Submit your Empdupe to the ATO.  It will be accepted.



Additional Information

If you wish to formally complete the Empdupe, you will need to open the Empdupe file and add 8 zero’s to each employee’s number string. 

1.    In Windows Explorer browse to your empdupe file.  The default location is:

a.    Windows 7 & Vista:  C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks 2011-12\edition 2011-12\companyfilename\Export Files\EMPDUPE Files\

b.    Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Intuit\QuickBooks 2011-12\edition 2011-12\companyfilename\Export Files\EMPDUPE Files\empdupefilename.txt

2.    Right click on your empdupe file and select Copy.  Right click the white background and select Paste.  You will get a second file called empdupefilename – Copy.  This file will serve as your backup;

3.    Right click on your empdupe file, select Open With and then select Notepad;

4.    At the end of the first employee’s number string:

a.    Add eight zero’s – eg: 00000000 - to the end of the string;

b.    Move your cursor to the end of the last digit of the string and press the delete key eight times;

(adding extra characters to a line will push information in subsequent lines 8 positions in the string and cause other errors.  Deleting 8 spaces at the end of the string will ensure digits on subsequent lines will maintain their correct position.)

5.    Repeat Step 4 for every employee;

6.    Save and Close the file

7.    In ECI, select the modified Empdupe file and click on Check File.  It should validate. 


You must have the current version (6.0.2) of the ATO’s ECI client installed to upload a 2011/12 Empdupe File.


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