Unable to send SMS messages from Reckon POS

Legacy KB ID: 5001


I have been sending SMS messages from Reckon POS for some time.  After having a problem with one SMS I now can’t send any SMS messages.  Why?



Delete invalid SMS messages in the queue.


The Issue

If you create an invalid SMS message POS will not send it and it will prompt you with a warning that the message is invalid and offers you to delete or not delete the message.

If you choose YES to delete the invalid SMS message you will not have any problems.

However, if you answered NO and not delete the SMS message, the invalid message remains in the queue and will prevent other messages in the queue being sent. 



To delete an invalid SMS message stuck in the queue,

1.    close and reopen the Retail POS Administrator

2.    when the invalid SMS message appears, select YES to delete the message;

3.    other SMS messages will now send.


To avoid jamming the queue, always answer YES when asked to delete an invalid SMS


To avoid creating invalid SMS messages:

1.    limit SMS messages to 960 characters;

2.    ensure all phones numbers are valid. 


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