Lump sum A amounts are doubled on a Termination in Payroll Premier

Legacy KB ID: 4875


Why does Payroll Premier double the amount of a Lump Sum A payment in a termination?



You will experience this issue if you include the last normal pay with the termination payment.

The error only impacts the INB Payment Summary and the Payment Summary List.  The Reconciliation Report and Empdupe electronic file show the correct amounts.



Reckon recommends that in termination payments you process the pay for ordinary time worked in a separate pay to the termination pay items.  Payroll Premier stores these payments in two records whether the last ordinary pay is processed separately or with the termination payment. 


For terminations processed:

1.    Reinstate the employee as an Accidental Termination

2.    Terminate the employee again with the pay for ordinary time worked in a separate pay from the termination items:

On the second screen of the termination wizard, starting with the phrase “If the employee has not as yet been paid for work done….”, select Do Not Pay the Employee

3.    Issue the employee with a new, and correct, INB Payment Summary


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