The Superlink Export Report Sorts by Employee when you change the date range but pays are incorrect

Legacy KB ID: 3560


When I change the date range in the Superlink Export Report why does it sort by Employee and puts pays under the wrong employee?


*****   This issue affects QuickBooks 2010/11 only.  *****.





1.    Open the Superlink Report and change the date range to the relevant range.

2.    Close the report and choose Memorise – give your report a name

If you are not given an option to memorise then:

Edit > Preferences > General >

Tick the box “Bring back one time messages” > OK


3.    Open the Memorised Report and it will open without error.  There will be no  Employee name headers

4.    Change the date range to the required range – your report should display normally without error.

5.    Verify that all required entries are present

6.    Click the Export to Superlink button to create the Superlink Export File

7.    Go to the Superlink website and upload your payments


*****   This issue affects QuickBooks 2010/11 only.  *****.


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