Cannot integrate POS, Business Planner, Financial Statement Designer, or any other integrating softw

Legacy KB ID: 3778


Why do I get the error: ”An error occurred while posting the standard accounts and items to the QuickBooks data file.  Error code: -14- QuickBooks OLE link error.
Please fix the problem and try again”; when I do the first transfer of information from Quickbooks?


This problem effects QuickBooks Premier and Enterprise users on Windows 7 and Vista operating systems. 

When you open these applications for the first time you are asked to select an industry edition.  This selection requires certain *.dll (dynamic link library) files to be registered, which is done when you close QuickBooks. 

If you attempt to integrate with software like POS before closing QuickBooks for the first time, the integration will fail as the required *.dll files are not registered.



Close Quickbooks to force the *.dll files to register.  Re-open QuickBooks and integrate with POS or other integrating software.


This problem will only manifest itself before QuickBooks is closed for the first time. 


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