Saved words to Spell Checker not remembered on Reckon Accounts Hosted

Legacy KB ID: 3755


I saved words to the Spell Checker recently but when I use Reckon Accounts Hostedthose words have not been remembered.  Why?


The Spell Checker dictionary resides in the user’s personal folder on the computer being used. 

Reckon Accounts Hosted is not one computer but a group of computers that are structured in a similar fashion.  When a user logs onto Reckon Accounts Hosted she logs onto one of those machines and has a personal folder on that machine.  The next time the user logs onto Reckon Accounts Hosted she may not log onto the same machine. 

Any work saved to a personal folder to the machine from the first session will not be available to the same user in another session using another machine.  If the user logs back onto the same machine that the item was saved on, then it will be available. 



There is no workaround. 

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