Attempt to Find & Replace tags results in new Categories being created

Legacy KB ID: 5104


Why does Accounts Personal create new categories when I try to Find & Replace a tag from one name to another?



Although the functionality allows you to select Categories/Tags to be found and replaced, only Categories can be replaced. 


The Issue

In the Find function, Accounts Personal allows you to Find & Replace Categories/Tags.  However, the functionality only works with Categories and not Tags. 

If the Tag name you are changing to does not exist as a Category, a new category in that name will be created if you continue with the process. 

If the Tag name you are changing to contains a semicolon ( : ), the semicolon indicates a sub-account, so two Categories are created – the parent Category and then the child Category.

Reckon apologises for the inconvenience caused by the incorrect title of the function. 

There is no workaround.


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