YTD on first payslip of Financial year includes previous year’s YTD

Legacy KB ID: 5309


Why is the first payslip of the new financial year in payroll Premier showing an incorrect YTD amount?  It looks like the previous year’s YTD has been included.



Refresh the pay of the Employee in the History tab


The Issue

It appears that when the first pay of the new financial year has a Pay End Date in the previous financial year, the YTD field has not reset for the new financial year.  It may happen on one or more, or all the employees in this pay run.



Follow these steps until a resolution is achieved


Recalculate YTD figures

1)    File > Rebuild Data Files > make a backup

2)    Tick the box Recalculate YTD figures

3)    Click OK.

Check your payslips. If the problem persists, then continue.


Refresh employee history

1)    List Employees > Select employee > History tab

2)    Select the latest pay and click on Edit from right

3)    Tick on Edit this pay and click OK 

4)    Click OK again to close the Employee card

5)    View the payslip; it should now show the correct YTD.

6)    Repeat for every employee affected.

If the problem persists, then change the pay period to 1st July in Step 3 and change it back after Step 5 back to 30 June.


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