Two ETP Payment Summaries produced for existing Terminated Employees after applying the Payroll Prem

Legacy KB ID: 4750


Why does Payroll Premier 2012/13 show two ETP Payment Summaries for employees terminated before the 2012/13 Patch was applied?


The 2012/13 Patch updates the Payroll Premier Termination Wizard to produce the outputs required by legislative changes introduced on the 1st July 2012.  These changes require a new format for ETP Payment Summaries.

This patch will also update existing Terminated Employees’ ETP Payment Summaries for the new format.  A result of the translation to the new ETP Payment Summary format is that the old ETP Payment Summary is emptied but not deleted. 

INB Payment Summaries are not affected by ETP changes and behaviour. 

Empdupe files will only contain the ETP entry with value – the zero ETP will be ignored.



It is safe to ignore the zero ETP.


If you wish to remove the zero ETP you will need to reinstate the employee (accidental termination) and terminate the employee again. 

1.    Before reinstating an employee we suggest you take down details of the last pay, the termination pay and the INB and ETP Payment Summaries before starting the process.

2.    Reinstating the employee will delete both ETp Payment Summary entries.

3.    Terminating the employee again will produce one ETP Payment Summary.

4.    Check that the Gross and Tax amounts of the new INB and ETP Payment Summaries correspond to the old ones (that is, there is no change to the amounts). 


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