2019 is Not an Option When Amending Payment Summaries in Payroll Premier 2019/20

Legacy KB ID: 5748


When I go into an employee's record in Payroll Premier 2019/20 and go to the "Payment Summaries" tab, I cannot select "2019" in the "Year Ending" column.


This issue has been resolved. You will need to replace the current Qpv28.dll file with a new one. Please find below detailed steps on how to complete this:

  1. Close Payroll Premier 2019/20
  2. Download the new Qpv28.dll here
  3. Go to the "Downloads" folder (or location that you have selected for the download) and copy the Qpv28.dll file
  4. Now go to the installation directory for Payroll Premier 2019/20, and open the "QPayroll" folder. This is normally found here: C:\QPRollV28\QPayroll
  5. Paste the Qpv28.dll file in this location and replace the faulty one by clicking on the option "Replace the file in the destination"
  6. Open Payroll Premier 2019/20 and the issue should now be resolved

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