Accessing QuickBooks Hosted 2011/12 from a Windows Server 2003?

Legacy KB ID: 4130


How do I access QuickBooks Hosted 2011/12 from a Windows Server 2003 or a Windows Server 2008 64bit?


You cannot access QuickBooks Hosted 2011/12 Standard Account from a Windows Server 2003 or a Windows Server 2008 64bit.  To access Windows Server 2008 R2 remotely which QuickBooks Hosted 2011/12 uses, the local computer must use RDP7.  Microsoft has not made this version available on Windows Server 2003 or  Windows Server 2008 64-bit. 

The QuickBooks Hosted 2011/12 Premium Account uses different technologies that do allow a Windows Server 2003 to remotely access Windows Server 2008 R2.



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