Modify the RESC field in the EmpDupe transfer file from Payroll Premier

Legacy KB ID: 5302


How do I modify the RESC field in the EmpDupe file created by Payroll Premier?



Warning:  this action requires you to open a software-generated file that contains relevant information in a single string of digits.  If you do not feel confident in your computer skills to carry out these steps, Reckon advises you consult your IT Professional.  Incorrect adjustments to this file may make it unacceptable to the Australian Taxation Office.

For information on the position of each element of the Payment Summary in the digit string inside the EmpDupe file, please see p22 of the Electronic reporting specification  -  Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding payment summary annual report version 11.0.0, dated August 2012 and available at:



1.    In Windows Explorer, go to C:\QPRollVxx\Export;

Where xx is your version number

                                          i.    2014/15 = 24

                                         ii.    2013/14 = 22

2.    Right-click on the file EmpDupe > Copy > right click > Paste, to create your backup file called EmpDupe – Copy. 

3.    Right-click on the file EmpDupe > Open > select Notepad;

4.    Inside the EmpDupe file click on Format and tick the option Word Wrap;

5.    Identify the start of the Employee’s entry – 628DINBS…;

6.    Go to the region that contains the information for the particular item. 

eg: the RESC amount appears in position 313-320.  This string is easy to identify because:

a.    Position 312 before it will have the letter A or O;

b.    Position 321 after it will have the letter R, T or be blank;

Please note that there are 8 digits assigned for RESC so an amount like $32.00 will show as 00000032;

7.    Delete the digits showing a number other than 0 (zero);

Care:  delete only the exact number of digits;

8.    Enter the digit 0 (zero) for each digit deleted;

Care:  enter only the exact number of digits. 

9.    Close the file and save. 

You can now upload your EmpDupe to the ATO.



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