Error: No Records found and/or Email icon is greyed out when emailing payslips

Legacy KB ID: 3633


Why do I get the error: No Records Found and the email icon greyed out when I go to send pay slips by email?  Why is the form on the screen blank except for the YTD figures?  I cannot send my pay slips by email.


The issue occurs when employee pay slip preference is set to an Email. 



Workaround 1

On the Pay slips to email screen, click on the Properties icon then Save.

The Email icon will become active.

Pay slips will be blank, but they will email correctly.

Workaround 2

Change employees pay slip preference from Email to Both.

Additional Note

If you have a mixed list of Email and Both, then the email icon will be present, but you will only see the employees set to Both.  When you send, the table will show Email and Both employees.  All 'email' employees in the table will receive an email with the correct details showing on the pay slip.

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