Payroll Premier payslips do not display the correct rate for an Item pay rate

Legacy KB ID: 4271


Why does an Item pay rate with 4 decimal places for the rate, display only as 2 decimal places on the payslip?  The Payslip appears wrong even though the correct amount has been paid. 


Payroll Premier will display on the payslip, pay rates to the nearest whole cent, that is to 2 decimal places. 

In some instances, where the Item rate is set with a fraction of a cent, like 24.58 cents, Payroll Premier will display the rate as 0.25.  It will use the 4 decimal places in the calculation of the amount, so the amount paid is correct.

The payslip will appear incorrect in some instances because the Quantity times the Item Rate quoted will not equal the amount paid. 


There is no workaround for this issue. 

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