Payroll Premier filename changes from what was named

Legacy KB ID: 3869


Why does Payroll Premier change the name of the file I just created? I created the name as John & Company P/L and it is showing as John Company PL.


Payroll Premier filenames cannot use any special characters in their name.  Where one is used in the Company Name, those characters will be dropped from the filename.

Special characters are those above the number keys -! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )  as well as ~ ` + = { } [ ] “ ‘ | < > ?

Filenames can be different from the Company Name used inside the Payroll Premier file and do not affect any legally required field.



Users should accept the filename as created by Payroll Premier.


Additional Note

The filename can be renamed using normal Windows Explorer functions.  You will also be able to include special characters and Payroll Premier will use the file normally.  However, other functions may not work properly – e.g. Setting a Network Path. 

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